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Chef George Shares His Bone Broth Recipe!!!

By August 14, 2016 Uncategorized
bone broth
I will do my best not to badger and ramble on about how much every one of us needs Bone Broth in our life. At the same time, that’s why you’re reading this blog so, DRINK MORE KALO BONE BROTH!!!
Here’s why.
Chicken Bone Broth helps our body fight Common Cold and Flu
The yellow fat you find on Free Range Organic Chicken is one of the best immune system boosters we know of. Properly raised chickens, contain a natural amino acid called “Cysteine”. Cysteine helps your lungs get rid of mucus and build up. No more Mucinex,  you’re welcome!
Heals your Gut and helps Digestion
According to Dr. Campbell-McBride (NO not the canned soup company)  the creator of the GAPS diet “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”. Bone Broth is possibly the most important natural healing product for our  gut and immune system.
More “get well soon” aspects of Chicken Bone Broth
GELATIN!!! I don’t mean the GMO nonsense you find in your Jell-O packet. I’m talking about the natural God given delightful ingredient, that comes from slowly breaking down organic bones properly. Gelatin is the cooked form of Collagen. Collagen makes up for almost half of our bodies protein. Gelatin also helps with bone development and strength (very necessary for arthritis and joint pains). Beneficial minerals like Chondroitin Sulphates and Glucosamine found in Bone Broth are now sold to the common consumers as overpriced supplements. DRINK MORE KALO BONE BROTH!!!
Paleo life
So being a Paleo man myself, Chicken Bone Broth is a must-have staple for my diet. I love my Vega One protein shake before my workout but our Kalo Chicken Bone Broth is what keeps me going the rest of the day. It’s amazing what happens when I have my daily cup of Bone Broth! It gives me a huge boost of energy and makes my stomach feel warm, fuzzy and stress-free every time!
Plus it tastes delicious
Where else can you get all of the amazing nutrients and flavors from ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper and roasted chicken bones in a beautiful concoction that makes you feel fantastic!? DRINK MORE KALO BONE BROTH.
Kalo Chicken Broth

12 pounds chicken bones with the fat trimmed as much as possible.
3 quarts chopped leek
4 quarts chopped onions
4 quarts chopped carrots

1 large Bouquet garni

3 tablespoons of avocado oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Rinse the bones under cold water for 30 minutes. Drain and place half of your chicken bones in a large stockpot. Cover with cold water and bring to a boil, skimming the top of scum. Drain and rinse again.

Put the bones back into the stock pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a simmer, then add 1 cup of ice to help skim the fat from the top of the liquid. Add half of your veggies and the bouquet garni and simmer for 45 minutes. Strain through a fine-meshed sieve.

Heat your oven to 400°F. Pat the other half of your bones dry and lightly rub them down with the avocado oil. Spread them evenly on two roasting pans and roast for 45 min or until nicely golden brown on all sides. Place the roasted bones in a large pot, add the remaining veggies, and cover with the strained broth. Bring to a slow simmer and cook for 6 hours, skimming fat constantly. Remove the chickens and strain the stock twice, once through a fine-meshed sieve, and once through a fine-meshed sieve lined with cheesecloth.

In a large pot, continue to simmer the strained broth until the liquid has been reduced to 6 quarts season to taste. Once reduced place pot in a large ice bath and cool to 41°F.

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Email: info@kalocatering.com